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Friday, February 25, 2011

Seeing Red

I was seeing red this weekend.  Seriously.

I couldn't wait to get this puppy in the mail.  My brand spankin' new Target Debit Card!  Now you might be wondering why on Earth I'm so excited to have yet another 4 inch plastic card crowding up my wallet. 

The reason I'm so excited is I'm saving 5% each time I use it!  What what?! That's right, just for signing up for this baby I'm saving money on items that I would have been buying anyway at a store I would have been at anyway.  It's win-win.  Oh and did I mention it's free?  Say wha?  Yep, free. Score! 

Go get one for yourself.  And thank me later.


Christen said...

Seriously?? Going to sign up now, I love Target!!

Jenni said...

So does it just link to your existing checking account?

Just Jennifer said...

I've used it several times, there doesn't seem to be a catch! Jenni, yes it just links up. It took all of 4 minutes if that to sign up for it.

Mandie said...

About a year ago we switched to Chase and got the Disney debit-I'm charging my way to Disney dollars every stinkin' day!! Whoo-hoo! In 6 months, I earned enough dollars to pay for all our food and souvenirs when we went to Disneyland at Thanksgiving. Ahhh-love my card =)